
A flexible, open-access workflow to facilitate the identification of cell clones that have desirable CRISPR-Cas9-induced gene edits.

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Detailed steps for testing with real data

:memo: SRP198941_SLX15021_GEP00005 steps

If you only wish to run a demo instead of a full analysis, use these detailed steps for testing with real data subset.

Running the full analysis below will take more than four hours on a laptop.

:one: Start GenEditID WebApp, and setup a project for analysing SRP198941_SLX15021_GEP00005

Create a project, upload the submission spreadsheet associated with this project from data/submission_spreadsheets/SRP198941_SLX15021_GEP00005.xlsx into the WebApp.

The active environment, the one you are currently using, is shown in parentheses () or brackets [] at the beginning of your command prompt.

(geneditid) $

if not, activate it using conda activate geneditid before running the next steps.

:two: Download and prepare fastq files

While waiting for the submission spreadsheet to load, open a new terminal and download the public fastq files. Don’t forget to activate conda’s environment using conda activate geneditid before merging the reads.

cd ~/GenEditID/

All the fastq files related to this project will be stored in the PROJECTS/SRP198941 folder. Combine paired-end reads by merging reads to generate .fqjoin.gz files for amplicount analysis (seqkit needs to be installed).

cd PROJECTS/SRP198941_GEP00005

Move the joined fastq files into the PROJECTS/GEPID/fastq/ replacing GEPID with the identifier of this project.

mv *.fqjoin.gz ../GEPID/fastq/.

:three: Run amplicount analysis

cd ~/GenEditID
source venv/bin/activate

Replace GEPID with the identifier of this project.

:four: Visualise results

:memo: Two other real data projects to analyse if you wish

:house: Back to the main manual

GenEditID Manual: detailed steps