
A flexible, open-access workflow to facilitate the identification of cell clones that have desirable CRISPR-Cas9-induced gene edits.

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GenEditID Manual: detailed steps

:memo: Installation steps

This only needs to be done once. Follow these detailed installation steps before running the analsysis.

The active environment you are currently using is shown in parentheses () or brackets [] at the beginning of your command prompt.

(geneditid) $

if not, activate it using conda activate geneditid before running the next steps.

:microscope: Trying with real data

:one: Start GenEditID WebApp, and setup a project for analysis

:two: Fetch and prepare fastq files

:three: Run amplicount analysis

The project submission spreadsheet (step 1) has been loaded and the combined paired-end reads generated (step 2). Amplicon sequences uploaded are used to automatically generate an GenEditID/PROJECTS/GEPID/amplicount_config.csv file that enables downstream analysis, as well as GenEditID/PROJECTS/GEPID/amplicount_config_tsearch.csv if targeted search submitted. Note that this requires association with a reference genome that is in the GenEditID/data/reference/ folder (detailed information about the reference genome files). This allows the amplicount tool to be ran which will generate an amplicount.csv file. Sequences associated with each amplicon are counted and quality controlled to discard low frequency and low quality reads.

:four: Visualise results

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